“BAS Accounting” is a ready-made tool for solving all the tasks facing the accounting department of an enterprise, if the accounting department is fully responsible for accounting at the enterprise, including, for example, issuing primary documents, accounting for sales, etc. This application solution can also be used exclusively for accounting and tax accounting, and the tasks of automating other services, for example, the sales department, should be solved with specialized configurations or other systems.


The software product “BAS Accounting” is designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting, in organizations engaged in any type of commercial activity: wholesale and retail trade, commission trading (including subcommissions), provision of services, production, etc. Accounting and tax accounting is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

“BAS Accounting” provides a solution to all the problems facing the accounting department of an enterprise if the accounting department is fully responsible for accounting at the enterprise, including, for example, issuing primary documents, accounting for sales, etc. This application solution can also be used exclusively for accounting and tax accounting, and the tasks of automating other services, for example, the sales department, should be solved with specialized BAS application solutions or other systems. The structure of “BAS Accounting” includes a chart of accounts that corresponds to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “On approval of the chart of accounts and instructions for its use” dated November 30, 1999 No. 291. The composition of the accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, quantitative accounting on the accounts comply with the requirements of the legislation on accounting and reporting data. If necessary, users can independently create additional sub-accounts and sections of analytical accounting.

Основным способом отражения хозяйственных операций в учете является ввод документов конфигурации, соответствующих первичным бухгалтерским документам. Кроме того, допускается непосредственный ввод отдельных проводок. Для группового ввода проводок можно использовать типовые операции – простой инструмент автоматизации, пользователь может легко и быстро настроить.

With the help of “BAS Accounting” it is possible to conduct accounting and tax accounting of the economic activities of several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be kept in a separate information base. At the same time, “BAS Accounting” provides the ability to maintain accounting and tax records of several organizations in a common information base (in this case, individuals – entrepreneurs can act as individual organizations). This is convenient if their business activities are closely related: you can use common lists of goods, contractors (business partners), employees, warehouses (storage locations), etc., and compile mandatory reporting separately.

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is implemented in accordance with P (C) BU 9 “Inventories” and guidelines for its use. The following methods for estimating inventories at their disposal are supported:

  • at average cost
  • at the cost of the first time acquisition of inventories (FIFO method)
  • at a selling price using an average percentage mark-up (for retail)

In order to support the methods for evaluating FIFO, batch accounts are maintained in the accounts of inventories. Different assessment methods can be applied independently for each organization.

In warehouses, you can conduct quantitative or quantitative-total accounting. In the first case, the valuation of goods and materials for accounting purposes does not depend on which warehouse they are received from. Warehouse accounting can be disabled if it is not necessary.

In “BAS Accounting” inventory data is recorded, which are automatically verified with accounting data. Based on the inventory, surpluses are identified and shortages are written off.

For each composition, a financially responsible person can be determined. However, one person may be appointed for one staff. The history of the appointment of responsible persons is preserved. An inventory of stocks can be done both in composition and financially responsible person.

Automated accounting of operations of receipt and sale of goods and services. When selling goods, invoices are issued for payment, invoices and tax invoices are drawn up. All wholesale operations are accounted for in the context of contracts with buyers and suppliers.

For retail, both operational reflection of retail sales and sales reflection based on inventory results are supported. Retail products may be recorded at purchase or sale prices. Excise tax is charged on the sale of excisable goods by retailers.

Automated reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and supplier.

In “BAS Accounting” the use of several types of prices is supported, for example: “wholesale”, “small wholesale”, “retail”, “purchase” and others. This simplifies the reflection of receipt and sale operations.

The accounting of commission trade has been automated both in relation to goods taken for commission (from the principal) and transferred for further sale (to the commissioner). Supported the reflection of operations to transfer goods to the sub-commission. When generating a report to the principal or registering the report of the commission agent, you can immediately make a calculation and reflect the deduction of the commission fee.

Automated operations for accounting returnable multi-turn packaging. The specifics of taxation of such operations and settlements with suppliers and buyers is taken into account.

Implemented accounting of cash and non-cash cash flows and foreign exchange transactions. It supports the entry and printing of payment orders, credit and debit cash orders. Automated settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons, depositing cash into a bank account and receiving cash by cash check, purchase and sale of foreign currency, payment (transfer) of wages, transfer of taxes and contributions from wages. During the reflection of operations, payment amounts are automatically divided into advance and payment. Based on cash documents, a cash book of an established form is formed.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and customers can be done in hryvnias and foreign currency. Exchange differences for each transaction are calculated automatically. Settlements with counterparties can be carried out under the contract as a whole or with the indication of specific settlement documents. The method of settlement is determined separately for each contract.

Accounting for fixed assets, intangible and low-value assets is carried out in accordance with P (C) BU 7 “Fixed Assets”, P (C) BU 8 “Intangible Assets”, P (C) BU 9 “Inventories”.

For fixed assets and intangible assets, such basic operations as: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation, modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory, revaluation (for fixed assets) are automated. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation for the month between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting. For fixed assets used seasonally, depreciation schedules are possible.

For low-value assets, the operations of transfer to operation and decommissioning are automated

Automated calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, accounting of the processing of tolling raw materials. During the month, accounting for finished products is carried out at the planned cost. At the end of the month, the actual cost of products and services rendered is calculated.

Accounting for semi-finished products

For complex technological processes having intermediate stages with the production of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

Accounting for indirect costs

For overhead costs, the possibility of their distribution according to the indicators of normal power, in accordance with P (C) BU 16 “Costs” is realized.

When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various distribution methods for product (service) product groups. For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:

  • output volume
  • planned cost
  • remuneration
  • material costs
  • direct expenses
  • separate direct cost items.

“BAS Accounting” keeps records of the movement of personnel, including accounting for employees at their main place of work and part-time, in particular internal. The formation of standard forms under labor law is ensured.


  • accrual of salaries to employees of the enterprise according to salary, then accruals and content with the ability to specify the method of reflection in accounting separately for each type of accrual
  • settlement of accounts with employees before paying salaries and transferring salaries to the card accounts of employees
  • escrow
  • calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is the salary of employees of organizations
  • generation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, on ERUs)

During the calculation, the presence of the company:

  • people with disabilities
  • retirees

BAS Accounting supports the following taxation schemes:

  • income tax and value added tax
  • income tax without value added tax
  • single tax and value added tax
  • single tax-free tax
  • single tax for business entities-individuals

VAT accounting

“BAS Accounting” allows you to generate and register all the necessary tax documents: tax invoices, annexes to them.

The configuration implements two methods for calculating the tax base (the “first event”) with VAT, the operational calculation of documents and the deferred determination of tax liabilities / credit at the end of the period.

To control the correctness of the tax credit shown at receipt, stocks are kept in the context of the tax purposes of their acquisition.

Income tax accounting

Tax accounting is carried out in accordance with section 3 of the TCU.

Along with accounting for income and expenses, differences are kept and the financial result is adjusted. In order to accrue differences associated with the depreciation of fixed assets (Article 138 of the TCU), a parallel accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out for accounting and tax purposes.

According to tax accounting data, a “Profit Tax Declaration” is automatically generated.

Single tax

“BAS Accounting” supports accounting for the simplified tax system.

The program allows you to register income and expenses (if necessary) of legal entities and individuals – single tax payers.

The “Book of accounting for income (income and expenses) for individuals – business entities”, as well as the declaration of the single tax payer – legal entities and individuals are automatically generated.

Automated routine operations performed at the end of a period, including currency revaluation, write-offs of deferred expenses, determination of financial results and others.

The structure of “BAS Accounting” includes a set of reference calculations that reflect the calculations related to the scheduled operations for closing the month: “Distribution of indirect costs”, “Revaluation of foreign currency” and others.

“BAS Accounting” provides the user with a set of standard reports that allow you to analyze the data of balances, turnover of accounts and transactions in the most sections. Among them are the balance sheet, the chess sheet, the balance sheet, account turns, account card, account analysis, subconto analysis, turnover between subcontos, summary entries, general ledger, chart.

An express check of accounting helps the user at any time to obtain a summary and detailed information about the correctness of the data. All checks are grouped:

  • accounting policies
  • accounting analysis
  • cash desk operations
  • VAT accounting
  • production accounting
  • definition of financial results

The report on the results of the express check is accompanied by comments on each completed check, containing:

  • subject of control
  • test result
  • possible causes of errors
  • troubleshooting tips

The “BAS Accounting” includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended for submission to the owners of the organization and controlling state bodies, including forms of financial statements, tax returns, reports for statistical agencies and state funds.

Regulated reporting that is submitted to the tax authorities can be automatically exported to a format approved by the government agency that implements the tax policy (in files with the XML extension). The so-called “schemes” (files with the * .xsd extension), according to which XML files are generated with the report data, are delivered and updated along with a set of regulated reporting.

The configuration is integrated with the electronic reporting service “FREDO Report”. Service “FREDO Report” provides an opportunity directly from the configuration:

  • create regulated reporting to various government bodies
  • check the completion (using the built-in desk checks) and print documents
  • encrypt and digitally sign
  • send reports to regulatory authorities and receive a receipt on delivery of the report for the purpose
  • save to electronic media
  • get the FREDO Report report metrics transcript in the configuration

Users can independently choose the option of using the regulated reporting subsystem: the traditional subsystem or the “FREDO Report” service.

Tight integration of the FREDO Report service with standard configurations allows you to transfer accounting system data without creating intermediate export files, as well as receive decryption of the sums of FREDO Report service report indicators in the program.

The program also includes the following service features:

  • full-text data search – search for arbitrary text across all configuration objects (documents, directories, etc.)
  • download currency rates from the Internet
  • loading classifiers
  • and others

Data Search

The configuration implements full-text search according to the information base. You can search by several words, using search operators or by exact phrase.

Credential Access Control

The opportunity has been implemented to introduce restrictions on access to the credentials of individual organizations (legal entities or individual entrepreneurs). A user with limited access rights does not have the opportunity not only to somehow change, but even to view data that is closed to him.

Working with distributed infobases

The configuration includes exchange plans for distributed infobases.

Internet user support

When using the program, users of the program can prepare and send thoughts about using the program, contacting the technical support department, and also receive and view answers from the technical support department.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration update assistant is included in the configuration, which allows you to get information about the latest updates posted on the user support site on the Internet and automatically install the detected updates. If an update file has already been received, the assistant allows you to perform an update using the update delivery file (* .cfu) or the configuration delivery file (* .cf) from any local or network directory.

To buy

For the refusal of further information, the addition and maintenance of BAS Accountancy, please refer to the members of the all-Ukrainian public organization Automated communication system (business). The members of the forum are also ready to carry out individual demonstrations, start-ups, and that round-robin project for the implementation of the system.

You can go to “BAS Accountancy” from the program 1C: Pay on the minds upgrade and on the minds upgrade. For the abolition of pre-informational information, please refer to members of the SAB.


Pridtrimka koristuvachіv a software product zdіsnyuєtsya vidpovidno to the rules on the above service ІТС “Lіnіya consultation”. Pridtrimka zdіsnyusyutsya for the implication of the contract of the Information Technology-technological Suprovoda (ІТС). For the abolition of pre-informational information, please refer to members of the SAB.

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