Company Lad-Automation LLC is a system integrator, service provider, in the field of complex automation and optimization of business processes of industrial enterprises and design organizations.

Our company uses various project methodologies

  • Cascade is a model of the software development process, in which the development process looks like a flow, consistently passing the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, integration and support
  • Agile is a flexible development methodology, consists of a series of approaches to software development focused on the use of iterative development, the dynamic formation of requirements and the provision of their implementation as a result of constant interaction within self-organizing working groups consisting of specialists of various profiles
  • Scrum – a framework for flexible software development. The framework is based on an empirical method and is designed to develop high-value products in an intricate environment.
  • Kanban is a development management method that implements the “just-in-time” principle and promotes a uniform distribution of workload among employees. With this approach, the entire development process is transparent to all team members. Tasks as they arrive are entered in a separate list, from where each developer can extract the required task.

Our company offers automation of accounting in sections

  • Business and tax accounting
  • Financial Planning, Budgeting, Treasury
  • Consolidation of IFRS and management reporting
  • Procurement, production and sales planning
  • Operational production accounting
  • Address storage of goods (products)
  • HR records and payroll
  • Office work, contract work
  • Motor vehicles records

Basic specification of works

The base specification displays the major milestones of the project, the results of the work and the planned lead time. Consists of 4-5 stages depending on the project.

Pre-design work

The stage at which the information on the activities of the enterprise is collected and analyzed, and the development of an optimization plan. Documents are prepared: “Survey report”, “Functional technical task”, “Explanatory note to the techno-working project”.

The architecture of the future solution, the main business processes “as is” and “as it should be”, the mechanisms of integration with the current information systems, the requirements for the initial loading and maintenance of the NSI, the requirements for the development of workstations, the requirements for developing the required reporting are described.

Import and reconciliation of initial data

The real data is transferred to the system, the correctness of the system operation with the operating data is checked.

Pilot operation

The adapted system is launched into operation, the “Hot Line” of consulting and technical support of users is organized. A user’s manual and an administrator’s guide are being developed.


Configuring, adapting and testing the system

At this stage, there is a development of new functionality and adaptation of the existing one in the chosen information system.

Also testing and debugging of the system, preparation for pilot operation are carried out.

User training

Preparing materials for training users and administrators, and directly training groups of 5-6 people. On the passed material testing of the trainees is conducted, the result of which is the report for the Customer.


The following is an example of a basic job specification

Content Results of work Duration, work. days.
1. Preproject work 44-88
1.1. Carrying out an audit of the current level of automation of the Customer’s business processes
  • Interviewing the Customer’s specialists
  • Full information about accounting issues and the current level of automation at the customer’s enterprise is received
1.2. Description of the main business processes “as is” and analysis of the problems of current accounting.
  • The description of the main business processes “as is”
  • The architecture of the Customer system and the relationship with the current information systems are described
  • The analysis of the problems of current accounting in relation to business functions and processes entering the perimeter of the implementation
  • Requirements collected and expectations formed for the future System
  • The document “Report on the survey” was prepared
1.3. The systematization and formalization of the requirements for the future system received during the audit.
  • The formalization of the data obtained
  • Functional requirements were translated into technical solutions, taking into account the planned architecture
  • Priorities have been formed in adapting and implementing the information system
1.4. Development and coordination of the technical assignment for the specificity of the Customer.
  • The architecture of the future solution was developed
  • Standard business processes are developed “as it should be”
  • Mechanisms of integration with current information systems are described
  • The requirements for the initial loading and maintenance of NSIs and documents are described
  • Requirements for the development of workstations are described
  • Requirements for the development of required reporting are described
  • The document “Functional technical assignment” was prepared
  • The document “Explanatory note to the techno-working project” was prepared
2. Configuring, adapting, and testing the system 22-66
2.1. Testing the adapted functionality, demonstrating the modified and customized sections
  • Adapted functional testing tested
  • Demonstration of the modified and customized accounting areas was performed for key customer specialists
  • Demonstration protocol and a list of comments to the adapted system are generated
  • The demonstration was repeated, taking into account the corrected comments
3. User training 11-22
3.1. Preparing for user training
  • Preparation and coordination of the training plan
  • Preparation of methodological materials for training
3.2. User training (based on 5 groups of no more than 5 users per group)
  • Training of the Customer’s specialists
  • An internal exam was conducted on the learning outcomes
4. Importing and reconciling the original data </ ​strong> 11-22
4.1. Download and reconcile NSI
Loading and reconciling residues
Full reconciliation of the transferred data for the agreed period
5. Pilot operation 22-44
5.1. Consulting and technical support
  • A set of works on consulting and technical support of users in the “hot line”
  • Assistance was provided to work with the mechanisms and data of the system
5.2. Developing user instructions and an administrator’s guide Development of user instructions and administrator’s guide

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