
The customer has a problem with the display of 2D drawings in *.idw format on web resources that they open on work phones, tablets and PCs in the browser. 2D drawings are quite large in size and there is no possibility of opening them without the use of additional specialized programs that are not installed on mobile devices, namely Inventor 2019.


We developed a fast converter from *.idw to *.pdf format using batch file generation through an FTP resource. Initially, the customer had a storage of drawings in Vault (Fig.1). It is necessary to convert them into a format accessible for displaying on any device in a browser using the button “Export to ERP / WEB” (Fig.2)

Figure 1 – The storage of elements

Figure 2 – The demonstration of the working field for conversion

Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of the conversion of PDF files from the  files of 2D format of IDW system Autodesk Inventor.

Figure 3 – Scheme of the conversion of IDW files  to PDF and uploading them to the WEB Resource (visualizer)

Conversion module itself is a console application wrapped in the service Windows. The structure of the conversion module looks as follows:

Displaying the APSConvert2PDF conversion service

As a result 2D drawings of standard formats can be placed in any systems and devices, and also they can be viewed remotely.

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