“BAS Retail” is suitable for automating the business processes of retail outlets (stores), both independent and as part of a distributed distribution network. The solution allows you to automate inventory accounting in storehouses and cash accounting at the cash desk, and can also be used as a cashier’s workplace. “BAS Retail” is convenient to use in conjunction with other programs for complex problem solving.


The software product “BAS Retail” is a broad-functional front office for retail chains and individual stores. The solution is used to automate stores with a large number of jobs, including as a cash program. “BAS Retail” provides registration of transactions with goods in the context of product groups, stores, warehouses, enterprise organizations and allows you to receive analytical information about the movement of goods with the necessary level of detail for the user. “BAS Retail” can be used for stores with a large number of cash points.

The BAS Retail Solution supports the accounting of such transactions with goods:

  • order to the supplier
  • move order
  • supplier receipts
  • retail and small wholesale sales
  • moving goods between stores
  • moving between warehouses of one store
  • inventory
  • posting
  • cheating
  • transfer between organizations (legal entities)

Implemented automatic distribution of goods received at the store based on pre-configured settings.

Accounting for trading operations in “BAS Retail” is carried out only in hryvnias.

Various taxation systems can be used for organizations: income tax, income tax and VAT, single tax, single tax and VAT.

Sales analysis is carried out in user-specified analytical sections. Warehouse accounting of stocks is carried out both in the context of commodity items, and in the context of the characteristics of the goods. Based on the analysis of sales and current balances of goods in the store, the user can create an order for the supplier, plan the date of receipt of goods and payment for delivery.

The receipt of goods in the program “BAS Retail” is made out manually on the basis of the invoice of the supplier or on the basis of an order to the supplier. In the latter case, the user is provided with a report from the supplier’s thoroughness, in which information on disagreements in the delivery of goods or the untimely receipt of goods is displayed for each supplier.

Retail pricing

The BAS Retail Program supports various ways of managing retail prices in a distribution network. The central office of the network can set retail prices for the entire network as a whole, for groups of stores or each store separately. For certain groups of items, retail prices can also be assigned by the store manager. When entering information about the receipt of goods, the user can control the change in the purchase price of the goods and decide on the appointment of a new retail price. The system provides a convenient price calculation service taking into account the materiality of changes in purchase prices. Implemented is the postponed application of the retail price, in the case of the use of which it is possible to apply designed in the office new prices for all or part of the item at any technologically determined time. In a programme ”

“BAS Retail” provides the user with an intuitive cashier desk interface (RMS) for retail sales. The RMK interface is adapted for use on small displays and for working with a virtual keyboard. The RMK interface allows you to configure only the operations necessary for the cashier and limit its capabilities. The solution allows the cashier to register the sale of goods to various organizations and print checks on the fiscal registrar that corresponds to the organization.

The accounting of various types of payment is supported: payment in cash, by credit card, bank loan and gift certificates. The possibilities of cash accounting have been expanded: the system allows you to take into account funds deposited at the cash register of KKM for exchange, and partial withdrawal of funds from the cash register of KKM. Cash collection to the bank from the store’s operating cash desk is supported.

“BAS Retail” provides ample opportunity to manage discounts from the established retail price depending on various conditions and situations:

  • number of items in check
  • check amounts
  • acquisition time
  • type of customer discount card
  • customer’s personal data
  • percent of the amount of the product line
  • gift upon purchase of a set of goods (“buy-receive”)

The conditions for granting discounts are included in the program in a separate directory. This allows you to provide a discount while simultaneously fulfilling several dissimilar conditions. Cumulative threshold schemes are supported, both with or without replacement of the customer’s discount cards when crossing the threshold, accounting for gift certificates. Discounts are calculated automatically or by user command.

“BAS Retail” allows you to analyze any warehouse operations. Registration of returns from the buyer and return to the supplier, cancellation of goods may be carried out with an indication of the reason for the executed operations. The report on business transactions provides the user with detailed information about the size and causes of losses as a result of individual trading operations.

The BAS Retail Program supports the planning and recording of the actual working hours of store employees, as well as sales processing, indicating the seller serving the buyer. This allows you to control employees and apply a transparent system of motivation for sellers.

The BAS Retail program generates analytical reports at various levels of grouping and detailed transcripts for all types of operations. The presented absolute values ​​of indicators for the period, average values, dynamics of indicators over time and relative indicators of the effectiveness of trading operations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of sales, both in terms of product groups and groups of buyers, evaluating the effectiveness of discounts and sales.

“BAS Retail” allows you to work with fiscal registrars, providing in accordance with the law all the necessary reports on a cash shift. The user is given the opportunity to configure templates for printing receipts on connected tape printers. It is possible to accept payment by bank payment cards using the acquiring terminal. It also supports work with other types of equipment used in retail trade: customer displays, magnetic card readers, as well as equipment for supporting bar coding technology (barcode scanners, data collection terminals, barcode printers and weights with the ability to print labels) .

The program “BAS Retail” implemented data exchange between infobases at two levels: exchange between stores and exchange with each workplace. The information base distributed between stores allows you to establish reliable data exchange between stores, regardless of the quality of the communication channel between the stores. It is distributed between workstations. IB provides the user with a data-optimized exchange between the store’s server and the cash register. Remote administration allows you to centrally create and modify a list of users, limiting, if necessary, the transfer of information to stores.

“BAS Retail” supports two-way data exchange with “BAS Trade Management”, at the level of documents and reference information.

In case of joint use, the BAS Trade Management information base acts as a management system that supplies regulatory information to the BAS Retail Trade information base. “BAS Retail” provides operational accounting of operations in stores of the distribution network. From “BAS Retail” documents of movement of goods and cash and information clarifying reference data are transferred.

Shops can interact with the central office directly or through a central hub combining several stores. The combination of stores in the central node allows you to control the balances in the stores that are part of the central node, and quickly move goods between stores. With the interaction of the store and the central office, all store data is summarized. That is, for each store in the central office, summarized information is recorded about all the trading operations that were carried out in the store: receiving goods, selling wholesale and retail, transferring goods to another store, the results of the inventory in storehouses. Retail sales are collapsed into retail sales reports accurate to the cash register of KKM and transferred to BAS Trade Management.

“BAS Retail” supports one-way data exchange with the program “BAS Accounting” at the level of documents and background information.

“BAS Retail” provides operational accounting of operations in stores of the distribution network. From the information base “BAS Retail” documents of movement of goods and cash and information clarifying reference data are transferred.

The solution has a modern ergonomic interface. Among the convenient features of the interface:

  • large font
  • increased workspace
  • convenient workplace of the cashier (RMK)
  • convenient navigation system: toolbar, open windows panel, section menu
  • access to full-text search, Favorites, a menu of functions and history from any window
  • convenient search in lists, search management
  • the ability to add to Favorites both objects (documents, elements of directories and others), as well as commands

“BAS Retail” can be used as a thin client or web client at all workstations.

To buy

For more information, the acquisition and implementation of BAS Retail, please contact members of the All-Ukrainian public organization Union of Business Automators (SAB). Members of the union are also ready to conduct individual demonstrations, training, and complete a full project for the implementation of the system.

You can switch to “BAS Retail” from the 1C: Enterprise line of programs on an upgrade basis and on a preferential upgrade basis. For more information, please contact SAB members.


Support for users of the software product is carried out in accordance with the rules for the provision of the ITS “Consultation Line” service. Support is provided if there is a valid Information Technology Support (ITS) agreement. For more information, please contact SAB members.

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