“BAS ERP” is an innovative solution for building complex information management systems for the activities of multidisciplinary enterprises taking into account the best world and domestic practices of automation of large and medium-sized businesses.

BAS ERP – a new generation of enterprise management system ERP-class.

It takes into account the experience gained in the implementation and use of this system in large-scale projects, numbering hundreds and thousands of jobs. Particular attention during development was given to the implementation of functional capabilities, in demand by large enterprises of various activities, including with technically complex multi-production.

Cost of the solution

Cost of basic product supply

Product name

Price, UAH



BAS ERP. License for subsidiaries and affiliates 54000

Competitive advantages

  • Wide functionality at the level of ERP-systems of international class
  • Support of work through the Internet, including “cloud” technologies and work on mobile devices
  • A large number of specialized solutions that expand the system’s capabilities (PDM, EAM, PMO, ITIL, CRM, MDM, WMS, TMS, BSC, ECM, CPM, ESB, GIS, etc.)
  • Suitable for any industry
  • A wide network of partners with many years of experience implementing ERP-systems
  • Multiplatform, Flexibility and Open Source Support
  • Low cost of ownership and the possibility of a significant economic effect with increased labor productivity and a rapid return on investment


Monitoring and analysis of indicators


  • Building a hierarchical model of goals and targets
  • Realization of the control principle “Day – Week – Month”
  • Creation of various variants of indicators with the possibility of comparison
  • Monitoring of targets with decoding of initial data
  • Extended analysis of financial results by line of business
  • The variety of graphical forms of analytical reports
  • Sending information about enterprise performance to users’ e-mail
  • Access from your mobile device (tablet, smartphone)

Opportunities for company executives

  • promptly evaluate key performance indicators, “cover the entire business with one glance”
  • timely identify deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, growth points
  • decipher the indicators with details to individual business operations
  • provides a unified approach to the evaluation of the financial results of the actual activities of the enterprise (a “look into the past”) and the analysis of the effectiveness of the decisions taken based on the planned data (“assessment of the future”)

Production management, planning optimization


  • Description of the manufacturing processes of products (resource specifications)
  • Visualization of product structure
  • Managing the detail of the description of the resources required for production (route maps)
  • Interval planning and “Drum – Buffer – Rope”
  • Parametric supply of the requirements in the nomenclature
  • Three levels of production planning, consolidation of product requirements, main and local dispatcher
  • Planning for bottlenecks in production
  • MES / APS post-operational planning
  • Predicting the course of the production process
  • Priority management of production orders
  • Assessment of the availability of equipment and material resources within the interval
  • Dispatching production at inter-shop and intra-shop levels
  • Advanced control of the production of resources
  • Accounting for transportation and tracking time
  • Flexible rescheduling
  • Advanced accounting of staff development

The management of production processes in the departments using the operational method of planning (MES / APS) allows to solve the following tasks:

  • scenario modeling in planning at the shop floor
  • multi-criteria optimization of the production schedule
  • accounting of features and limitations of production technology
  • obtaining operational information about the progress of the production process

Opportunities for production managers and process control specialists

  • It helps to minimize the dependence of planning quality on the accuracy of regulatory data
  • division of responsibility, two levels of production management: the level of the dispatcher-logist of the enterprise and the local (workshop) level of management
  • accuracy in the accounting: specification of the operational composition of work and consumption of materials for each batch of launch
  • It helps to minimize the need for rescheduling
  • for monitoring the progress of the production process by stages (inter-shop processes), a dispatch mechanism is implemented, “semaphore system” of notification
  • the production manager can predict the negative development of the situation in the course of the production process in relation to the planned terms

Cost Management and Costing


  • Allows to organize the control over material streams and consumption of the resources providing industrial, administrative and commercial activity of the enterprise
  • Accounting of costs and calculation of the cost of production is performed on the basis of operational accounting data
  • Accounting for the actual costs of the enterprise by type of activity in the required sections in the natural and value dimensions
  • Operative quantitative accounting of resources in work in process
  • Accounting for actual balances of work in progress at the end of the reporting period in the required sections
  • Different methods of allocating costs for the cost of products and works performed, for production costs, activities, for future periods
  • Calculation of the actual cost price of the issue for the period
  • Providing data on the structure of the cost of production
  • The calculated prime cost can be detailed up to the amount of initial costs regardless of the number of production process redistributions

Opportunities for heads of financial services and specialists in the calculation of production costs

  • the calculated prime cost can be detailed up to the amount of initial costs, regardless of the number of production process redistributions
  • preliminary estimate of the cost of the issue during the reporting period
  • different ways of allocating costs

Financial management


  • accounting of loans, deposits and loans
  • acquiring (payment cards)
  • Flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar
  • analytical reporting on cash flow
  • deferred posting in accounting
  • bind transactions to documents without transformation
  • creating documents for standard operations
  • audibility of data
  • registration of non-financial indicators
  • financial statement generator
  • a customized methodical model is presented: the chart of accounts, posting templates, financial statements under IFRS
  • acts of economic activity are documented by operational accounting records, financial statements are formed both on the basis of national standards and under IFRS, there is no double entry of data
  • There is a possibility of forming articles of reporting under IFRS by way of transformation of postings made according to the principles of national accounting standards

Opportunities for managers and specialists of financial services

  • effective financial analysis of the enterprise
  • economically sound management of business development
  • optimization of activities
  • accounting of financial results in the context of the activities of the enterprise



  • Customizable budgets and advanced analytics
  • modeling of scenarios
  • budget process management
  • multi-currency support
  • table input forms and corrections
  • economic forecast
  • analysis of achievement of planned targets
  • compilation of consolidated reporting on monitoring results
  • extended financial analysis

Opportunities for managers and specialists involved in budgeting

  • Effective tools for managing the budgeting process
  • quality control of information through decryption to the initial data of calculations
  • management of budget adjustments – the history of changes in the values of budget items is stored in the system
  • convenient calculation of targets in the form of budget editing – allows the use of calculations by the formula for each indicator
  • simultaneously from several data sources
  • The versioning option for budget instances allows analysis and comparison of versions

Regulated accounting, IFRS


  • Convenient functionality for the automation of business and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting in the organization in accordance with applicable national legislation
  • Supports business and tax accounting activities of organizations with separate units, both allocated and not allocated to a separate balance sheet
  • The composition of accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, quantitative accounting on the accounts comply with the requirements of legislation on accounting and reporting data
  • Sending reports online

Opportunities for managers and specialists of accounting services

  • the accounting and tax accounting capabilities incorporated in the system are designed to ensure the most complete compliance with both national legislation and the needs of real business
  • the adopted methodology is a further development of accounting solutions implemented in the products of the “1C: Enterprise” system, which became the industry standard in the country
  • automation of regulated accounting is placed on a high technological level

Customer Relationship Management


  • formation of a strategy of relations with partners
  • business processes of the organization of interaction with customers
  • client profile
  • Loyalty Cards, Customer Loyalty Analysis
  • claim work
  • monitoring of execution of transactions
  • BCG analysis
  • advanced analysis of performance indicators of managers

Opportunities for managers and specialists in work with clients

  • allows you to quickly respond to customer requests, clearly plan interaction with them, evaluate the results of various marketing and advertising campaigns to attract customers
  • track each appeal
  • effectively use each contact
  • build a system of relationships, optimally organizing work with different categories of clients

Sales management


  • management of the efficiency of sales processes and transactions with the client
  • sales funnel
  • formation of price-lists with information on the remains of goods
  • use of regulated sales processes, business processes of managing complex sales
  • Extended management of customer orders, standard and individual sales rules, agreements
  • customer self-service
  • management of sales representatives
  • monitoring the status of sales processes
  • vehicle planning
  • Probabilistic estimation of sales forecast
  • separate accounting for partners (management accounting) and counterparties (regulated accounting)
  • automatic control of the debt limit
  • inventory of mutual settlements

Opportunities for managers and specialists of the sales department

  • allows you to record the history of negotiations with the client to determine the composition and terms of sales
  • allows you to plan the receipt of revenue by day, monitor the customer’s compliance with the agreed terms of payment, allocate overdue accounts receivable
  • provides end-to-end automation of the process of sales of products and goods at a manufacturing enterprise, in wholesale and retail trade
  • includes tools for planning and controlling sales, allows you to solve the task of managing orders for customers

Procurement management


  • Operational planning of purchases on the basis of sales plans, production plans and unexecuted customer orders
  • Ordering and monitoring of orders for suppliers
  • Registration and analysis of the implementation of additional conditions under contracts with fixed nomenclature items, volumes and delivery dates
  • Support of various schemes for the reception of goods from suppliers, including acceptance for the sale and receipt of customer-provided raw materials and materials
  • Registration of non-material deliveries using warehouse orders
  • Analysis of the needs of the warehouse and production in goods, finished products and materials

Opportunities for managers and specialists of material support services

  • end-to-end analysis and the establishment of relationships between orders of customers and orders to suppliers
  • analysis of the consequences, which can lead to non-fulfillment of orders by suppliers (the failure of which client order may result in shortage of goods or materials)
  • planning of purchases taking into account the predicted level of stocks and reserved inventory in warehouses
  • the selection of the optimal suppliers of the goods for their reliability, the history of deliveries, the criteria for the urgency of the execution of orders, the proposed delivery conditions, territorial or other arbitrary characteristics and the automatic formation of orders for them
  • scheduling of deliveries and payment schedules

Personnel management and payroll


  • carrying out mutual settlements with personnel in cash and non-cash form, management of arrears for employees
  • analysis of accrued wages using internal analytical reporting
  • obtaining unified reporting forms
  • Calculation of taxes and deductions regulated by the legislation from the payroll fund
  • formation of regulated reporting on wages, both consolidated and personalized
  • electronic exchange with tax authorities

Opportunities for managers and specialists in personnel management and payroll calculation

  • organization of effective systems of motivation
  • personnel accounting and wage accounting in accordance with the law
  • allows to increase the reliability and speed of settlements with the staff
  • minimize the cost of the calculation, automate the whole complex of calculations
  • Forming documents for payment of salaries and reporting to state supervisory bodies

Warehousing and inventory management


  • complex hierarchical structure of warehouses
  • cellular warehouse management
  • separate accounting for orders – reservation of needs
  • mobile workplaces of warehouse workers
  • multi-turnaround accounting
  • Inventory management
  • statistical analysis of stocks, storage of ABC / XYZ analysis results
  • calculation of forecasted demand
  • goods in warehouses by expiry date
  • delivery management
  • commodity calendar

Opportunities for managers and specialists in the warehousing and inventory management services

  • address storage of goods and materials allows you to manage the layout of storage locations for admission, assembly from storage sites for shipping, moving and unloading
  • automatic selection of the optimal storage location for placement and assembly
  • creation of working areas for optimal access to storage cells, formation of order of bypassing storage cells
  • Different selection strategies for optimizing placement in cells
  • the mechanism of prefeeding the cells of the address warehouse (premises) allows to increase the speed of selection when
  • shipping goods from the warehouse
  • a multi-step process of inventory of goods, including the formation of orders for inventory, the issuing of orders for the recalculation of balances, the separate reflection of surpluses and shortages
  • optimization of the process of delivery of goods to customers, as well as the process of delivering goods while moving goods between storage rooms

Organization of repairs


  • Keeping records of repair objects
  • Classify the objects of repair on the grounds of commonness of the composition of passport characteristics, indicators of operating time, types of repair, operating modes
  • The status of the repair objects, as well as their belonging and location
  • Objects of repair can be nested or nodes of other repair objects

During the operation of the repair facilities, the system enters data on the developments and defects found.

The registration of defects in the journal allows for analysis and the organization of planned and unplanned maintenance activities.

Opportunities for production and repair services

  • allows to form a schedule of repair and preventive activities, which takes into account both registered defects, operating time, rules, and unpredictable external circumstances (extra-system orders)
  • The subsystem is closely integrated with the production subsystem. Objects of repair can be associated with production work centers. At the same time, planned equipment repairs affect the availability of this equipment for production planning
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