“BAS Holding Management” is an innovative solution that is designed to automate a wide range of tasks related to the accounting, planning and monitoring of the effectiveness of holdings of various sizes.
Functionality of the application solution
“BAS Holding Management” includes a budgeting subsystem that allows:
- independently determine the business-user a list of necessary classifiers, an analyst, indicators, develop budget models and reporting sets for various purposes
- to forecast the dynamics of the indicators, using various options for calculating, consolidating and distributing indicators, as well as the functions of “rolling planning” and “planning from achieved”, quickly formulate the necessary budgets. In this case, you can combine the planning methodologies “from the bottom up” and “from the top down”, use the reconciliation and exclusion mechanisms for intra-group operations
- serve the necessary principles for the allocation of financial responsibility centers due to the developed functions for managing the organizational and financial structure of the group
- to regulate the budgetary process and to allocate responsibility between its participants, to use for coordination of budgets routes of any complexity
- automatically notify the progress of the process of approving the employees involved in it
- reduce the time and improve the quality of planning and operational analysis of budget execution by using a thin, web client and a special add-on client for Microsoft Excel
Investment projects
The subsystem allows to automate the life cycle of the investment project from the investment idea to the completion of the project. “BAS Management Holding” allows you to define the decomposition of the stages of projects or programs of interrelated projects, specify the responsible, terms and resources used. Any configuration guides (for example, “Employees”, “Nomenclature”, “Non-current assets”) can act as resources for investment projects. For resources, natural and cost parameters can be specified. A hierarchical stage structure can be imported from Microsoft Project.
The project is a global analytic for management accounting. Thanks to the ability to link budget indicators, reflecting the fact and reserving funds for budgets of cash flow, income and expenses, resource flow with the project stages, the system allows you to reasonably and accurately budgeting projects.
According to the budgets of projects, their key performance indicators are automatically calculated (NPV, IRR, payback period, profitability index, etc.).
In order to automate the pre-investment phase, the application solution allows you to determine the criteria for comparing alternative projects, to conduct their comparative expert evaluation, to include in the investment program a truly optimal portfolio of projects. Convenient visualization tools (Gantt chart and sequence diagram) allow you to visually present summary information about the project. Directly in the Gantt chart it is possible to conduct a chain of actualization of the project – from changing the terms to automatic calculation of key performance indicators of the project.
Analytic panels allow you to visually update the indicators of projects “on the fly” thanks to the joint use of interactive Gantt charts, summary tables and analytical reports. Reporting of this subsystem allows you to analyze the status, progress, key performance indicators from different angles, to carry out a plan-factual, “what if?” or a comparative analysis of investment projects.
Limitation and “payment factory”
Limitation is available in the space of three budgets: BDR, BDDS, resource flow budget. Limits are defined in budgets at the planning stage and are monitored in the documents “Budget Reservation” and “Application for Operation”.
The “Centralized Treasury” subsystem of the “BAS Management Holding” application solution is organized in accordance with the concept of the “payment factory” and provides aggregated and detailed cash flow planning, instant and short-term liquidity management, which allows to combine the centralized and decentralized models of cash management of the holding.
A payment calendar with improved ergonomics allows you to forecast “what if?”, Save, restore, email simulation results. The probabilistic model of flow planning, depending on the horizon, the data sources used for the liquidity forecast, can significantly improve the liquidity forecast. Convenient tools for redistribution, attraction and placement of liquidity simplify the balancing of the payment position.
The prohibition / authorization guidelines allow you to quickly set up simple payment restriction rules without resorting to advanced limitations.
The subsystem makes it possible to improve the management of accounts receivable and payable, credit, currency and interest risks in conditions of high volatility of key macroeconomic indicators.
Centralized procurement management and contract management
Subsystem “Centralized procurement management” is designed to aggregate the need for material support of business units, automation of tender procedures, including scoring of suppliers and tender offers, contracting, execution of centralized procurement and control over decentralized purchases.
The subsystem is oriented to work in the conditions of geographically distributed groups of companies, in which business units use different systems of inventory management, and allows to reduce costs for purchased positions due to the scale effect.
The model of contracts, specifications and additional agreements states, as well as the possibility of agreement, allow to automate the full life cycle of the contract.
Accounting and reporting under IFRS
The application solution “BAS Holding Management” supports IFRS accounting in two models: transactional and transformational. Transaction accounting model is most effective when accounting under IFRS is conducted in the same information system as accounting under NAS. Transformation approach is recommended to be used if data of NAS is transferred by subsidiaries and dependent companies in the form of data collection forms.
For both accounting options, the functions of translating financial information of NAS to the chart of accounts of IFRS have been implemented. In addition, more than 50 operations on the objects of parallel accounting have been automated, the accounting policies for which, as a rule, differ from the accounting policies of the NAS:
- fixed assets
- intangible assets
- assets held for sale
- biological assets
- loans and borrowings received
- loans issued and deposits
- financial instruments carried at fair value (securities, derivative financial instruments)
- leasing received and issued
- accounts receivable (reserve and amortized cost accounting)
- reserve for reserves
- contingency reserve
- accrual of income and expenses without supporting documents
- closing of the period, including calculation of cost, deferred taxes, balance reformation
- elimination adjustments, including calculation and elimination of unrealized margin in group assets
- accounting for investments, acquisitions / disposals of business, recognition of goodwill
- consolidation amendments (elimination of investments, calculation of NDU (non-controlling interest in equity))
As a “quick-closing” tool, the system offers:
- Portal accruals of income and expenses (accruals), ensuring the recording of transactions without supporting documents and their comparison with the actual documents of the next period
- The possibility of closing the IFRS period before NAS (“double closing”)
- Intercompany reconciliation portal – provides reconciliation in the “Everyone with Everyone” mode, drastically reduces the burden on the management company and subsidiaries, supports arbitrary detailing of reconciliation, resolving discrepancies and contains services that simplify communication in the reconciliation process and shorten its terms. The template for reconciliation templates of intra-group operations supports 5 standard variants of elimination adjustments and simplifies the implementation. The Transformational Table tool simplifies the reflection of manual transformation adjustments and data analysis in the transformation and consolidation procedures.
The system has implemented a package of individual and consolidated statements, as well as notes to it. Functionality of the accounting and reporting subsystem IFRS has received a positive conclusion EY (Ernst & Young).
Integration capabilities
In BAS Management Holding, integration scenarios can be implemented using universal integration tools of the application solution, designed to receive data from both external information systems on the 1C: Enterprise platform, and with standard OLE DB providers from other sources.
Universal Processes
The subsystem is designed to regulate the processing of reporting, approval routes, business processes for processing accounting records. The possibilities of extracting data from external information systems and generating new objects in them, supplemented with conditional branching functions, event expectations, timeouts, automatic matching and rejection of objects, sending notifications and reminders, allow to automate a wide range of cross-functional and cross-system business processes.
Since the business logic of universal processes is configured in user mode without the use of a configurator, the implementation and maintenance of the described functionality is greatly simplified.
The universal functionality of notifications about events that occurred and reminders of the approach of their planned dates increases the effectiveness of communications. The function of coordination by a response letter allows you to visualize documents without going to BAS Management, and using any (including mobile) mail client.
State objects management allows to automate not only the coordination of objects, but also the life cycle of any object.
Business analysis
Analytical tools of the applied solution allow to realize the multilayered analysis of the accumulated information from the general picture to its detailed representation. The product provides flexible tools for graphical representation of the analyzed information, including visual dashboards and dashboards. Among the advanced functions of business analysis, we can point out factor analysis, sensitivity analysis, “what if?” Simulation, reverse calculation of the initial indicators, optimization of the target indicator, the possibility of using not only the current information base data but also external information bases for analysis. Analytical panels (dashboards) can include tabular analytical reports, key figure indicators, diagrams, including the “Gantt chart”, “summary budgeting table”.
Dynamic calculation of dependent elements of panels is realized at change of the specified elements that does analytical panels the convenient interactive tool of the analysis and data input.