Salary and personnel management
The configuration “Management of a trade enterprise for Ukraine” is a comprehensive solution for automating management and accounting tasks at enterprises engaged in any type of commercial activity.
The configuration allows you to automate the tasks of operational, managerial, accounting and tax accounting, personnel accounting and payroll, analysis and planning of trade operations, the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting, thereby ensuring the effective management of a modern trading enterprise.
- Trading Management
- Inventory control
- Accounting for banking and cash transactions
- Management of mutual settlements
- Accounting for non-current assets
- Human Resource Management and Payroll
- Production accounting
- Accounting
- Tax Accounting
- Formation of regulated reporting
- Service capabilities
Sales department
Sales managers
- Plan sales for their customers / product groups based on sales statistics for previous periods
- Maintain a database of potential and real customers, segment the customer base according to various criteria (by region, XYZ and ABC classifications, by types of activity, etc.)
- Fix contacts and pre-sales negotiations
- Handle customer orders with all related information (planned dates, payments, shipments, delivery terms, prices, discounts)
- Agree on the execution of orders with the purchasing department
- Control the flow of goods under the orders of customers
- Analyze payments and the status of settlements for their customers
- Initiate shipments
Head of Sales Department
- Analyzes the plan / fact of sales and profitability of the company’s sales in various analytical sections (by divisions, responsible managers, product groups, suppliers, etc.)
- Analyzes customer contacts
- Analyzes customer base by various criteria (by region, XYZ and ABC classification, by activity, etc.)
- Analyzes the status of orders and settlements
- Analyzes the turnover and profitability of goods, uses analytical reports to maintain priority goods / product groups
Purchasing department
Purchasing Managers
- Monitor the needs of the sales department in the purchased goods (what product is needed and when)
- Lead and control the turnover of goods
- Analyze the demand for goods: which positions have increased demand or vice versa are non-moving
- Plan purchases (ranking them by product groups or suppliers) to ensure that the warehouse does not overstock and, at the same time, provide for the needs of the enterprise with the necessary goods on time
- Automatically form orders: selection for each type of product supplier who provides the most favorable conditions for price, availability and delivery
- Record cash flow appearances
Purchasing Manager
- Supervises purchasing managers
- Monitors current and final procurement unit plans
- He controls and plans mutual settlements with suppliers, controls the fulfillment of contractual obligations by delivery time, by the quantity of delivered, under contracts, goods or materials.
Warehouse department
Warehouse staff
- A tool for keeping stock management cards (receipt, expenditure, warehouse orders)
Warehouse Manager
- Controls the movement of the warehouse in the operational trading calendar
- Controls the actual movements in the warehouse.
- Analyzes discrepancies and identifies those responsible for each discrepancy.
- Controls key performance indicators of the warehouse, such as the turnover of goods
Accounting department
Bank Accountant
- He sees a list of approved applications for spending money and with a single click of a button makes a completed order, then fills in the unloading of payments into the “Client-Bank” system and forms accounting entries
Asset Accountant
- Keeps a clear record of all fixed assets on the balance sheet of an enterprise and performs operations with fixed assets regulated by law: accounting for new assets, commissioning, wear, indexation for operation, transfer to repair, reception from repair, fixation of completed repairs or upgrading of operating systems, fixing the transfer and sale of the OS, etc.
- Each event relating to the OS is reflected in the appropriate print form approved by Ukrainian legislation.
- OS Cards are generated automatically.
Material Accountant
- Does not introduce documents on the movement of materials. Managers, storekeepers, employees of the production department are responsible for this function. The accountant controls the correctness of filling out the documents, their timely submission, the compliance of data
- Has a set of reports that facilitate the process of monitoring data on the movement of materials and other stocks in the enterprise
Accountant / Paymaster
- The work of the calculator is facilitated and reduced to the direct calculation of wages due to the use of data from the personnel accounting subsystems
- If the company uses additional types of charges, the calculator independently creates formulas for their calculation, which creates independence from any programmers. The employee independently manages the methods of payroll calculation that are accepted at the enterprise.
- The calculation of hospital, vacation and other types of calculations associated with the need to calculate the average wage for long periods is automatically calculated by the system. This takes into account the experience of employees, worked at the enterprise, and statistics on accruals and absences
- Simple entry of correction documents that helps reverse invalid entries. For example, the calculator made a mistake when calculating wages and in the next period found this miscalculation. He easily corrects the error by entering a correction document.
- As a result, the system automatically cancels incorrect entries with correct notes about error periods and its correction. It is important that the requirements of the legislation will be met at the same time without spending a lot of time on the part of the calculator.
- Automatically generated forms of regulated reporting, such as “Form-1DF”, a declaration on the tax on personal income, reports on the unified social tax, as well as statistical reports on labor
Chief Accountant
- Automatic generation and completion of a full set of standard-regulated statements – balance sheet, statement of financial results, declaration of profit, single tax reports, calculations of excise duty and others. Thanks to the “Zvit” system, you can not only generate these reports, but also sign them with an electronic signature and send them electronically to the necessary authorities.
For the accounting department as a whole
- No need to enter primary documents, since: purchasing managers enter information on the receipts of goods into the system, sales managers – expenditure invoices, storekeepers – information on the movement of goods from warehouses, the production department records the spent goods with documents and invoices, and released products – with documents and production reports per shift. The accountant only needs to check the availability and completeness of the documents, check the automatic filling of the accounts for which the accounting entries are made, and approve the document to form the accounting entries, i.e. conduct accounting and tax accounting
- Convenient and simple forms for displaying primary documents or for controlling these documents
- Convenient forms of standard reports to control account entries, such as a balance sheet, account card, etc.
- Responsible for tax accounting analyzes the deviation of the amounts of tax and accounting. Due to the fact that in standard reports (account analysis, turnover balance in an account, and others), the amount for a specific accounting cost is immediately visible, the amount for the same cost is also evident in tax accounting. Thus, it becomes extremely easy to control discrepancies.
Financial department
A tool for monitoring and analyzing cash that employees need. The head can approve, reject or postpone any of the payments and analyze the current situation of the payment calendar – whether the company has enough money or a cash gap is planned. Thus, it is possible to optimally use the funds of the enterprise.
HR service
- Full personnel records, as full-time employees, and part-time workers, as well as employees working under civil law contracts
- Maintain staffing organization
- Storing the history of staffing tables, which gives access to additional information and the possibility of additional analysis on previous activities
- Storage of standard and additional personnel information. For example, accounting of data on military service and, at the same time, easily formed printed forms for submission to the military registration and enlistment office
- Maintain additional detailed information on each of the employees. For example, data on the size of the clothes of employees for the preparation of specialized forms
- The card is generated automatically, based on the input of primary documents, such as personnel documents, movements, absenteeism, sick leave, etc.