“Trade management for Ukraine” is a modern tool for increasing the business efficiency of a commercial enterprise. It provides an opportunity in the complex to automate the tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations. All this makes it possible to ensure high efficiency of staff and management of a modern trading enterprise.
General characteristics "Trade Management for Ukraine 8"
“Trade management for Ukraine” allows you to automate the following processes of trading activities:

In the applied solution “Trade management for Ukraine”, maximum attention is paid to ensure productivity. The wide possibilities for preparing all necessary documents, managing goods distribution and pricing, accepting orders and monitoring their execution, optimizing warehouse stocks, analyzing goods turnover, planning purchases and deliveries allow keep all records in one program. “Trade Management 8″ will allow creating a single information space in the company, organizing a clear interaction odrazdeleny help employees work as a team.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that the developer of state of emergency is doing everything possible to make the use of their products more efficient and convenient. Therefore, all users of the “Trade Management for Ukraine” have the opportunity to order the information support service (ITS), which provides for the provision of integrated support and provides an opportunity to download updates and new releases.
- Sales management (including wholesale, retail and commission trade)
- Supply chain management
- Sales and Purchasing Planning
- Inventory management
- Customer order management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Analysis of the turnover of the enterprise
- Price analysis and price policy management
- Monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of trading activities
Sales department
Sales managers
- Planned sales for their customers / product groups based on sales statistics for previous periods
- Maintain a database of potential and real customers, segment the customer base according to various criteria (by region, XYZ and ABC classifications by type of activity, etc.)
- Fix contacts and pre-sales negotiations
- Handle customer orders with all related information (planned dates, payments, shipments, delivery terms, prices, discounts)
- Agree on the execution of orders with the purchasing department
- Control the flow of goods under the order of buyers
- Analyze payments and the status of settlements for their customers
- Initiate shipments
Department head
- Analyzes the plan / fact of sale and profitability of the company’s sales in various analytical sections (by divisions, responsible managers, product groups, suppliers, etc.)
- Analyzes customer contacts
- Analyzes customer base by various criteria (by region, XYZ and ABC classification by activity, etc.)
- Analyzes the status of orders and settlements
- Analyzes the turnover and profitability of goods, uses analytical reports to maintain priority goods / product groups
Marketing department
- The possibility of implementing pricing policies: pricing and discounts, price control, storage and analysis of information about competitors’ prices
- Customer Relationship Management
- Segmentation
Purchasing department
Purchasing Managers
- Monitor the needs of the sales department in purchased (the necessary goods and when)
- Lead and control the turnover of goods
- Analyze the demand for goods: which positions are in high demand or vice versa is non-moving
- It is planned to purchase (by ranking them by product groups or suppliers), to ensure that the composition is not overstocked and, at the same time, to ensure the needs of the enterprise with the necessary goods just in time
- Automatically form an order: the selection for each type of product supplier, which provides the most favorable conditions for price, availability and delivery
- Record cash flow appearances
Purchasing Manager
- Supervises purchasing managers
- Monitors current and final procurement unit plans
- Supervises and plans mutual settlements with suppliers, controls the fulfillment of contractual obligations for the delivery time, for the quantity of goods supplied under contracts, goods or materials
Warehouse department
Warehouse staff
- A tool for keeping stock management cards (credit, payment, warehouse orders).
Warehouse Manager
- Controls the movement of the composition in the operational trading calendar
- Controls the actual movements in the warehouse.
- Analyzes the differences and identifies those responsible for each of the differences.
- Controls key performance indicators of the warehouse, such as the turnover of goods
Accounting department
- He sees a list of approved applications for spending money and with one click of a button he makes orders filled in, then fills out the discharge of payments into the Client-Bank system and forms accounting entries
No need to enter primary documents, since: purchasing managers enter information on the receipts of goods into the system, sales managers – expenditure invoices, storekeepers – information on the movement of goods from warehouses, the production department records the spent goods with documents and invoices, and released products – with documents and production reports per shift. The accountant only needs to check the availability and completeness of the documents, check the automatic filling of the accounts for which accounting entries are made, and approve the document for the formation of accounting entries, that is, carry out accounting and tax accounting - Convenient and simple forms for displaying primary documents or for controlling these documents
- Convenient forms of standard reports for control of account entries, such as a balance sheet, account card, etc.
- Responsible for tax accounting analyzes the deviation of the amounts of tax and accounting. Due to the fact that in standard reports (account analysis, turnover balance in an account, etc.) The amount for a specific accounting expense is immediately visible, the amount for the same expense can also be seen in tax accounting. Thus, controlling the differences becomes extremely simple.
Head of Enterprise
- He has the opportunity to see a complete picture of the state of affairs at the enterprise in the report “Report to the Manager”, and he sees this information regardless of whether he is in the office or outside it. Receives information as an email.
- The manager keeps a hand on the pulse and constantly monitors the status of settlements with suppliers and customers, completed orders, overstocked warehouse, the availability of receivables and payables, current profitability for these goods, the state of availability of funds and availability of goods in warehouses
- Opportunity to control the work of managers on a number of indicators: who brings the maximum profit, who has the most communication with customers, who has the most outstanding orders, who has more or less receivables or payables, who knows how to work with debts and how